Careers at Sir Charles Parsons

At Sir Charles Parsons School, the ‘careers’ programme is delivered across the whole school, and throughout the curriculum.

In year 7, students are introduced to the ‘World of Work’ through curriculum staff introducing professions and roles relating to their subject area.

From year 8 through to year 11, students access a ‘Towards Independence’ curriculum which introduces them to the key skills needed for working life.

As well as this, students in years 9, 10 and 11 follow a ‘Skills for Life’ curriculum which focusses on specific employability qualities, such as communication, problem solving, and working with others.

In sixth form, students access ‘World of Work’ as part of the embedded ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ curriculum. Students are given the opportunity to learn about community facilities as well as developing every day skills needed for their life after school.

In addition to this, students are given the opportunity to access bespoke work experience and life encounters, both within the school community and outside of school.

The teacher responsible for Careers at Sir Charles Parsons is Joanne Maher. Rosie Duggan oversees the day to day work experience and life encounters. Should you wish to speak to either of these staff they are both contactable via the school office on 0191 2952280.

Should you feel that you are able to offer any work experience of life encounter opportunities for our young people, please feel free to contact Rosie via her email

T. 0191 2952280