Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The aim of the Pupil Premium is to reduce the current underlying inequalities between children and young people eligible for free school meals (FSM), Looked After Children (LAC) and their peers, by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

The funds allocated are not ring fenced. That is, they do not have to be spent exclusively on those children and young people who are/have been eligible for free schools meals. The school does, however, need to provide information to parents and carers on how the funding has been used. It also needs to demonstrate that the specific needs of both the children/young people eligible for free school meals and Looked After Children have been addressed through the use of this funding. The school eventually also needs to provide information about the impact this funding has had on these students’ learning and their levels of attainment.


Archived material is available upon request.

T. 0191 2952280
E. admin@scp.newcastle.sch.uk